
Date Title Link File
On 31 March 2021, the Spring 2021 graduate seminar "Dialogues between Buddhism and Psychology" will feature guest lecturer Prof. Huang Yulian on "Affective Science: Reading Nonverbal Cues of Emotion."
    Buddhism and Psychology Cross-Disciplinary Colloquia, Part Five: Education and Motivation
    Zen Experience: Finding Commonality between Phenomenological Psychology & Tiantai Buddhism
      Buddhism and Psychology Cross-Disciplinary Colloquia, Part Five: Spiritual Experience
      "Phenomenological Psychology vs. Tiantai Buddhism"
        The 4th Int'l. Research Conference on Premodern East Asian Buddhism (and Young Investigators' Colloquium)
        Hospice Counselor Liu Mingxiong: Some Reflections on the Winter Mindfulness Workshop
          一止今心 Undividedly Focused Presence of Mind (Cittaikāgratā):
          The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation in Buddhism & Its Relation to Current Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy
            Our biannual Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol.7, No.1, January 2021, has been released!
              1/20~1/21 Workshop on Traditional Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation and Current Mindfulness-Based Therapies
              How is personality formed? Personality, Archetype and the Ālāyavijñāna.