The overarching objective of this two-day workshop was to compare the theories, practices, and efficacies of both traditional Buddhist mindfulness meditation and current Mindfulness-Based psychotherapy. Four themes were explored in all, two per day:
First spotlight: "The Development and Practice of Clinical Psychotherapy" was presented by Mr. Liu Mingxiong, a clinical psychiatrist at Kaohsiung Changgeng Hospital.
Second spotlight: "Defining Characteristics of Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation" was presented by Prof. Yue Jiandong of Zhongshan University.
Third spotlight: "My Experiences with Mindfulness Therapy in the Field" was presented by Mr. Shi Shiming, a clinical psychiatrist at Xinming Psychiatric Development Center.
Final spotlight: "My Training in Mindfulness Therapy as a Buddhist and Academic" was presented by Prof. Lu Kaiwen of Nanhua University.
Each spotlight was followed by in-depth discussion, fostering the exchange of scholastic and clinical perspectives.
(Report: Ven. Zhide, Photos: Cai Suhui) 2021.01.22