FGU Center for Buddhist Studies "Buddhism and Psychology Interdisciplinary" Research Project, will hold a seminar on 2023 May 26 to 27, sign up starts today and ends on May 5.
This is the third year of the "Buddhism and Psychology Dialogue" Project. Through communication and dialogue, it will increase our understanding of Buddhism texts, and also help psychologists understand Buddhist thoughts. This seminar will have 8 sub-projects, and involve various dialogues and display of research results. We will provide food during the seminar, and welcome all guests to sign up. Please pay attention to the website of CBS for further information.
►Seminar Date: 2023 May 26 and 27
►Seminar Location: FGU Yunshui Building 109
►Sign Up Website:https://forms.gle/bAMW9Guj5362fJnZ9
►Project Introduction:https://reurl.cc/vde04L
※ This seminar will be open for sign up for both in-person and online sign up, in which the online sign up will begin in May.