【Online Study Group】A Preliminary Comparison of the Editions of the “Lamp-Transmission Record”, Part I

Vietnamese Buddhist Studies Online Seminars is entering its third year!

The first event is: A Preliminary Comparison of the Editions of the “Lamp-Transmission Record”, Part I
▣Speaker: Lee Kuei-min
▣Post-Doc Researcher (Center for Multi-cultural Studies, National Cheng Kung University)
▣Time: 2022/9/29 (Thu) 19:00-21:00
▣Online Video Lecture: https://reurl.cc/KQzKkp
▣or scan the QR Code
▣Meeting ID: 817 8554 9096
▣Meeting Password: 20220929
▣Organizer: Fo Guang University Center for Buddhist Studies
▣Contact Information: cbs@gm.fgu.edu.tw 03-9871000#12812
