
Date Title View Count
探討生死與醫療 跨宗教的生命倫理對談 550
美國亞利桑那陳懷宇教授 蒞臨佛研中心與佛教學系 620
李幸玲教授主講「唐代敦煌文獻中的唯識學者曇曠」 667
Review : History of Buddhism in Afghanistan 782
Promoting Taiwan-Vietnam Buddhist Studies: Conference and Forum on Vietnamese Buddhism and Manuscripts 1686
Bringing Buddha Down to Earth: Celebrating Śākyamuni’s Life in Mogao Cave 61 in Dunhuang. 575
Workshop: Dialogue Between Experts in Buddhism and Psychology: "Precepts" and the Transformation of the Self 2322
Engaging with Local Buddhist Practices in Yilan:   Immigrant Buddhism and Quanyin Belief in Yilan 937
Hot Good News! A cooperation agreement with the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Hamburg has been signed by The Center for the Buddhist Studies. 1685
【‼️Great News‼️】Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies, published by the Center for Buddhist Studies, has been rated as a core journal(THCI) in the 'Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Assessment and Core Journal Inclusion'  by the National Science and Technology Council 2277
Researcher Chen Xuan-Yu presented a talk on "A Comparative study of Taiwanese and Chinese infant spirit worshipping: A Change in Family Structure and Regrouping of Religious Ceremonies" 2598
Guest Lecture: “On the Sutra of the Divine Spells of Great Auspiciousness: image-making and ritual practices in religious space” by Prof. Lidu Yi (Florida International University 2830
【The Second Forum of Taiwan Buddhism第二屆臺灣佛教論壇:臺灣佛教的跨域移動】 3104

「文本、行動與療癒:佛教與心理療癒對話」學術研討會 佛大登場
印度台北協會副會長蒞臨佛研中心與佛教學系,望更多交流 2581
一幅「結構主義」式的佛畫 : 巴黎吉美博物館館藏〈降魔成道圖〉MG. 17655 2740
Interdisciplinary Seminar V: Professor Johanna Liu talks about "Shanshui, Beauty and Cultivation" 3877
Interdisciplinary Seminar V Professor Cristal Huang speaks about "Reading Religious Texts: A Human Interpretation and Reconstruction" 3415
Interdisciplinary Seminar IV Professor Chen Qing Yu speaks about "From the Gap of Buddha Nature to the Art of Gap" 3396
Interdisciplinary Seminar III Professor Song Wen Li speaks about "A Micro Exploration on Religions Studies" 2903
Interdisciplinary Seminar II Chair Huang Kuan Min speaks on "Papañca or Game Samadhi? The Affect of Imagination and Metaphor” 2972
女神信仰與宗教交流工作坊  體現台灣女性神明及宗教醫療型態 2173
Interdisciplinary Seminar I Professor Lai Hsi Shan speaks on "Watching the Mind and Enlightenment - A Dialogue between Taoism and Buddhsim" 2455
"What is Ambedkar Buddhism?" Speaker Professor Jon Keune The Challenge of Defining Ambedkar Buddhism 2793
"Liberation and Healing: A Dialogue between Buddhism and Psychology" - Academic Symposium, Responding to the Suffering of the World 3233
Buddhism and Psychological Healing - A Review of Scholastic Community 3459
Professor Tsai Yi-jia speaks about "Humanitarian-oriented Dialogue between Religious Psychology and Buddhism" 3205
Professor Huang Su-fei 「On Narrative Therapy」 3587
「Buddhism and Psychotherapy」Report on the Sixth Small-Group Meeting 3293
Professor Cao Zhong-wei Talks about "Meeting Gestalt at Present - Gestalt Counseling and Buddhist Perspectives" 3304