
Date Title View Count
【Seminar Report】Dr. CHEN Junlin on "Buddhist Perspectives on Jungian Psychology and Sandplay Therapy" 4184
「Buddhism and Psychotherapy」Report on the Fifth Small-Group Meeting 2802
【Reading Group】 Nguyễn Đình Hưng on "Printing and Dissemination of Buddhist Scriptures in North Vietnam" 4706
Prof. LV Jianji, President of the Taiwan Society for Philosophical Counseling on "When Buddhism Meets Philosophical Counseling" 4687
Report of the 4th Buddhism & Psychotherapy Small-Group Meeting 4153
Japanese Buddhism in Taiwan during the Colonial Period, A Special Guest Lecture by Prof. Shibata Mikio at FGU-DBS 4145
Report of the 3rd Buddhism & Psychotherapy Small-Group Meeting 3698
【News】Cultivation and Transformation: Meditation vis-à-vis Psychotherapy 4462
Buddhism & Psychotherapy Exchange and Co-innovationReport of the 2nd Small-Group Meeting 4389
"Buddhism and Psychotherapy" First Academic Roundtable 5576
Buddhism Meets Psychology: Online Workshop on "Suffering and Healing" 6735
The CBS Seminars on Vietnamese Buddhist Studies Conclude with an Exceptional Lecture by Dr. Phạm Văn Tuấn! 4901
2021 The Fourth International Symposium on "Literatures and Studies of Modern East Asian Buddhism" 4495
[Online Lecture] Tales of Quan Âm Diệu Thiện, Fairy Godmother of Vietnam the Southern Kingdom 4339
Buddhism & Psychology Third Roundtable: Cross-Disciplinary Teaching and Research Beyond the Bounds of Tradition 4381
How similar or different are the views of Buddhism and Psychology on affect and cognition? 6111
Implications for Educational Planning Based on Motivation Theory and the Buddhist Concept of Cittotpāda 6057
Zen Experience: Finding Commonality between Phenomenological Psychology & Tiantai Buddhism 5009
Hospice Counselor Liu Mingxiong: Some Reflections on the Winter Mindfulness Workshop
一止今心 Undividedly Focused Presence of Mind (Cittaikāgratā):
The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation in Buddhism & Its Relation to Current Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy
How is personality formed? Personality, Archetype and the Ālāyavijñāna. 6900
Buddhist Studies vs. Psychology: Perspectives on Emotion, Trauma & Neurosis
"The Efficacy and Limitations of Mindfulness-Based Therapies"——Buddhism & Psychology Interdisciplinary Colloquium
The Interdisciplinary Initiative's Second Roundtable: "Cross-fertilizing Psychology & Buddhist Studies Teaching and Research"
The Interdisciplinary Initiative's First Roundtable: "Cross-fertilizing Psychology & Buddhist Studies Teaching and Research"