
Date Title Link File
Buddhism and Psychology Cross-Disciplinary Colloquia, Part Six: Affect and Cognition
On 14 April 2021, the Spring 2021 graduate seminar "Dialogues between Buddhism and Psychology" will feature guest lecturer Prof. Lin Weilun on "Cognitive Psychology: Tip of the Iceberg?  The Conscious and the Preconscious."
    Implications for Educational Planning Based on Motivation Theory and the Buddhist Concept of Cittotpāda
      On 31 March 2021, the Spring 2021 graduate seminar "Dialogues between Buddhism and Psychology" will feature guest lecturer Prof. Huang Yulian on "Affective Science: Reading Nonverbal Cues of Emotion."
        Buddhism and Psychology Cross-Disciplinary Colloquia, Part Five: Education and Motivation
        Zen Experience: Finding Commonality between Phenomenological Psychology & Tiantai Buddhism
          Buddhism and Psychology Cross-Disciplinary Colloquia, Part Five: Spiritual Experience
          "Phenomenological Psychology vs. Tiantai Buddhism"
            The 4th Int'l. Research Conference on Premodern East Asian Buddhism (and Young Investigators' Colloquium)
            Hospice Counselor Liu Mingxiong: Some Reflections on the Winter Mindfulness Workshop
              一止今心 Undividedly Focused Presence of Mind (Cittaikāgratā):
              The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation in Buddhism & Its Relation to Current Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy