2021-02-22 |
The 4th Int'l. Research Conference on Premodern East Asian Buddhism (and Young Investigators' Colloquium)
2021-01-25 |
Hospice Counselor Liu Mingxiong: Some Reflections on the Winter Mindfulness Workshop
2021-01-25 |
一止今心 Undividedly Focused Presence of Mind (Cittaikāgratā):
The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation in Buddhism & Its Relation to Current Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy
2021-01-14 |
Our biannual Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol.7, No.1, January 2021, has been released!
2020-12-03 |
How is personality formed? Personality, Archetype and the Ālāyavijñāna.
2020-11-05 |
Buddhist Studies vs. Psychology: Perspectives on Emotion, Trauma & Neurosis
2020-10-14 |
"The Efficacy and Limitations of Mindfulness-Based Therapies"——Buddhism & Psychology Interdisciplinary Colloquium
2020-09-28 |
Featuring Premodern East Asian Buddhism Series Vol.4: "The Evolution of Premodern Buddhism” by Fumihiko Sueki.
2020-09-28 |
Our biannual Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol.6, No. 2, is released this July!
2020-09-18 |
The Fourth Conference for East Asian Buddhist Textual Studies originally scheduled for 2020 is now postponed to May 29-30, 2021, due to COVID-19.